1. Introduction
Textual sources such as business and financial news, SEC filings,
and websites such as Wall Street Journal, contain information that is
of great value for numerous business tasks such as market research,
business intelligence, etc. We can use Natural language processing
(NLP) to process textual sources, and create knowledge graphs which
can support a variety of analytics. NLP, however, is a specialized and
sophisticated technology, and our goal here is not to provide a
comprehensive and detailed coverage of it. Our goal here is to
introduce some basic concepts of NLP that can be useful to those whose
primary interest and goal is to create a knowledge graph. Several
vendors have created businesses around processing natural language
text and delivering structured data to others for consumption.
There are three NLP tasks that are directly relevant to knowledge
graph construction: entity extraction, relation extraction, and entity
resolution. Entity extraction is the task of identifying key entities
of interest (e.g., Organizations, People, Places, etc.) from the
text. These entities typically constitute the nodes in a knowledge
graph. The relation extraction is the task in which given two entities
of interest, and some text, we extract the relations between them
(e.g., net sales, management team information, etc.) from the
text. Sometimes, the relation extraction is also used to extract
properties of a given entity. The extracted relations and properties
will typically become relations or node properties in our knowledge
graph. Entity resolution is the task of identifying whether multiple
mentions in a text refer to the same entity. For example, in a
paragraph of text, "John Smith", "He", and "Her father", may all refer
to the same entity.
In this chapter, we will give an overview of the techniques used
for entity and relation extraction. We omit the entity resolution from
our discussion here because it is an advanced topic for the scope of
the present volume. Most techniques for entity and relation
extraction, that are popular these days, rely on adapting a
pre-trained language model for the task at hand. For our purpose, we
treat the pre-trained language model and the machine learning
techniques as black boxes as both are now available for use as
off-the-shelf commodities. This progress in NLP and machine learning
allows the knowledge graph creators to focus on the end-product, and
on providing suitable training and evaluation data that is required
for the adaptation of the language models. We will begin with an
overview of the language models, and then describe the entity and
relation extraction tasks in greater detail.
2. Overview of Language Models
Language modeling is the task of predicting what word comes next in
a text. For example, given a sentence fragment: "students opened
their", a language model will predict the next word that can complete
this sentence. In this case, the next words might be book, exam,
laptop, etc. More formally, given a set of words x1,
... , xn-1, a language model predicts the probability P(
xn | x1, ... , xn-1), where
xn is any word in the vocabulary. Language models are used
extensively in auto completing search requests on the web, in auto
correcting words in word processing, etc.
Modern language models are created by training a deep learning
model, such as a Recurring Neural Network, on a large corpus of text.
Numerous variations of pre-trained language models are available as
open source products that can be adapted for the purpose of the
specific task at hand. As we discuss the techniques for entity and
relation extraction, we will also describe how the language models can
be adapted for these tasks.
3. Entity Extraction
We will begin by considering a concrete example of entity
extraction, and then give an overview of different approaches to
entity extraction, and conclude the section by discussing some
challenges in performing well at this task.
3.1 An Example of Entity Extraction
Let us consider the following piece of text from a news story:
| Cecilia Love, 52, a
retired police investigator who lives in Massachusetts, said she paid
around $370 a ticket with tax for nonstop United Airlines flights to
Sacramento from Boston for her niece's high school graduation in
June, 2020. | |
We will consider the named entities in the above text. A
named named entity is anything that can be referred to with a proper
name: a person, a location, an organization, etc. The definition of a
named entity is commonly extended to include things that are not
entities per se, including dates, times, and other kinds of
expressions involving time, and even numerical expressions, for
example, prices. Here is the above text with the named entities
| [PER Cecilia
Love], 52, a retired police investigator who lives in [LOC
New Jersey], said she paid around [MONEY $370] a ticket
with tax for nonstop [ORG United Airlines] flight to
[LOC Sacramento] from [LOC Boston] for her
niece's high school graduation in [TIME
June, 2020]. | |
The paragraph contains seven named entities, one of which is a
person (indicated by PER), three are locations (indicated by LOC), one
is money (indicated by MONEY), one is an organization (indicated by
ORG), and one is a time (indicated by TIME). Depending on the domain
of application, we may introduce more or less named entity types. For
example, in the task of identifying key terms in a text, there is only
one entity type that captures a key term.
Entity extraction task is useful in many different
applications. For example, in question answering, it may help pull out
answers from a retrieved passage of text. In a word processing application,
it could help automatically connect entities appearing
in the text with additional information (e.g., definition, facts,
etc.) about those entities.
3.2 Approaches to Entity Extraction
First and foremost, we can view entity extraction as a
labeling problem. We associate a label with each word, and the task
becomes to predict the label. We can perform entity extraction by
three broad approaches: sequence labeling, deep learning models, and
rule-based approaches. We will briefly introduce each of these
To facilitate the labeling, we introduce a labeling scheme that is
known as BIOES in which the meaning of different tags is as follows:
B stands for the beginning of an entity, I stands for the interior
of an entity, O stands for a word that is not part of an entity, E
stands for the end of an entity, and S stands for a single word
entity. As an example, the words in the text snippet shown above
will be labeled as shown below.
| | | | | | | | | |
Cecilia | B |
Love | E |
, | O |
52 | O |
, | O |
a | O |
retired | O |
police | O |
investigator | O |
who | O |
lives | O |
in | O |
Massachusetts | S |
, | O |
said | O |
she | O |
paid | O |
around | O |
$370 | S |
a | O |
ticket | O |
with | O |
tax | O |
for | O |
nonstop | O |
United | B |
Airlines | E |
flights | O |
to | O |
Sacramento | S |
from | O |
Boston | S |
for | O |
her | O |
niece's | O |
high | O |
school | O |
graduation | O |
in | O |
June | B |
, | I |
2020 | E |
In the sequence labeling approach, we train one of the machine
learning algorithm (for example, Conditional Random Fields), using
features such as: part of speech, presence of the word in a list of
standard words, word embeddings, word base form, whether word contains
a prefix or suffix, whether it is in all caps,
etc. Significant effort is needed in feature engineering, because the
performance of a particular choice of features and the machine
learning algorithm can vary by the domain.
In a deep learning approach, there is no feature engineering, and
we simply input word embeddings to a language model. Instead of
predicting the next word, the language model now predicts one of the
five tags (B, I, O, E, S) tags that are required for entity
recognition. To adapt the language model to this new task, we first
pre-train it using the corpus for that domain, and then train it for
the task at hand. In the task-specific training of the language
model, we provide the training by adding a distinguished token [CLS]
that denotes the beginning of an entity, and a second distinguished
token [SEP] that denotes the end of an entity. This training allows
the model to predict these distinguished tags in response to a text
input. Such predictions are enough for us to produce one of the
five required tags for each word.
Finally, in a rule-based approach, one specifies labeling rules in
a formal query language. The rules can include regular expressions,
references to dictionaries, semantic constraints, and may also invoke automated
extractors and reference table structures. The rules may also invoke
machine learning modules for specific tasks. Rule application can be
sequenced in a way that we first use high precision rules, followed by
lookup in standard name list, followed by language-based heuristics,
and when all else fails, resort to probabilistic machine learning
3.3 Challenges in Entity Extraction
Even though for specific tasks, entity extractors may exhibit
precision and recall above 90%, but obtaining good performance across all
the domains can be challenging. In this section, we consider a few
challenges that are faced during entity extraction.
While labeling entities with their classes, there are numerous
cases of ambiguity. For example, given the entity Louis
Vuitton, it can refer to either a person, or an organization, or a
commercial product. Resolving such ambiguities is not possible unless
considerable context is taken into account.
For using a machine learning model, we require tremendous amount of
data. In practice, either the data are not available, or they are
largely incomplete. When we train our model using incomplete data,
it seriously affects the performance.
One variation of the entity extraction task is to identify key
phrases in the text. As the key phrases are not limited to a few
classes, the task of identifying the specific class corresponding to
a key phrase can become even more challenging. Sometimes, the key
phrases are overly complex (e.g., duplication of a cell by fission),
and sometimes, too general (e.g., Attach) making it very challenging
to apply a uniform technique across the board.
Entities can appear in many different surface forms, for example,
synonyms, acronyms, plurals, and morphological variations. In general,
entity extraction should be aware of the lexical knowledge which
usually does not exist when entering a new domain. As a result, for
improving the performance of entity extraction, lexicon extraction
becomes an essential related task.
4. Relation Extraction
We will begin by considering several concrete examples of relation
extraction, then give an overview of different approaches to
relation extraction, and conclude the section by discussing some
challenges in performing well at this task.
4.1 Examples of Relation Extraction
Considering the text snippet from the previous section, we can
extract relations such as Cecilia Love lives in Massachusetts,
United Airlines flies from Boston, and United Airlines flies
to Sacramento, etc. In a typical relation extraction task,
entities have been previously identified, and in this sense, it
extends the entity extraction task. The relations to be extracted are
also specified ahead of time.
A popular instance of relation extraction task is to extract
information from Wikipedia Infoboxes. The obvious application of this
task is to improve the search results over the internet. Wikipedia
infoboxes define relationships such as preceded
by, succeeded by, children, spouse, etc.
Achieving a high accuracy on this task can be challenging because of
numerous corner cases. For example, Larry King has been married
multiple times, and therefore, the extractor must be able to take that
into account the time duration for which the marriage existed.
There also exist domain-specific relationships. For example, the
Unified Medical Language Systems supports relationships such
as causes, treats, disrupts, etc. Apart from
standard relationships such as subclass-of,
and has_part, the relationships to be extracted are
domain-specific and usually require some up front design work. There
are some approaches to relation extraction that do not require
choosing relationships ahead of time, but the usefulness of such
approaches in practice has been found to be limited.
4.2 Approaches to Relation Extraction
There are three broad approaches to relation extraction: syntactic
patterns, various forms of supervised machine learning, and
unsupervised machine learning. As noted in the previous section, the
unsupervised machine learning has limited use in practice. Therefore,
we will primarily consider the use of syntactic patterns and supervised
machine learning for relation extraction.
A classical approach to extract relations relies on syntactic
patterns known as Hearst Patterns. For example, consider the following
| The bow lute, such as the
Bambara ndang, is plucked and has an individual curved neck for
each string. | |
Even though we may have never heard of Bambara ndang, we can still
infer that it is a kind of bow lute. More generally, we can identify
syntactic patterns, that are strong indicators of the subclass
of relationship. The following five syntactic patterns have been
around for quite some time, and have been found extremely effective in
| Pattern Name | Example |
| such as | ... works by authors such as Herric, Goldsmith, and Shakespear ... | |
| or other | Bruises, wounds, broken bones, or other injuries ... | |
| and other | ... temples, treasuries, and other Civic Buildings, ... | |
| including | All common law countries including Canada and England ... | |
| especially | Most European countries especially France, England, and Spain, ... | |
We can discover new syntactic patterns for any relationship of
choice as follows. We first collect examples for which the
relationship is known to hold true. We then look for sentences where
the relationship holds true. By identifying commonalities across such
sentences, we can define a new pattern. We can then test such patterns
against the corpus.
The supervised approaches to relation extraction require extensive
training data. Whenever such training data is available, many of the
off-the-shelf learning algorithms could be trained. But, in the
absence of adequate data, weak supervision approaches are becoming
popular to arrive at the required data. The basic idea in weak
supervision is to write several approximate labeling functions that
can generate the training data automatically. These weak labels are
then combined using a probabilistic function.
As an example of a weak labeling function, consider the has
part relation. For this relation, it has not been possible to
develop the syntactic patterns of the sort suggested above. A
possible weak labeling function for this relation is to first produce
a dependency parse of the sentence, and then look for two nodes in the
parse that have a path of length one that contains the verbs has or
have. For taxonomic relationships, an additional weak labeling
function is that if two entities end with the same base word but
one has an additional modifier in front of it, this suggests a
taxonomic relation (e.g., eukaryotic cell SUBCLASS cell).
To adapt a language model to the task of relation extraction, we
change the input representation of a sentence so that each of the
individual terms are explicity marked. For example, we input a
sentence such as ["All", "[TERM1-START]", "cells", "[TERM1-END]",
"have", "a", "[TERM2-START]", "cell" "membrane", "[TERM2-END]",
"."], and expect the model to output the probability distribution
over different relationships that might exist between the two
terms. The predicted relationship depends on the input training
4.3 Challenges in Relation Extraction
The primary challenge in relation extraction is to obtain the
necessary training data. The weak supervision approach is quite
promising because the training data need not be perfect. One can
resort to sources such as Wikidata and Wordnet as a source of data for defining weak
labeling functions. Developing new approaches for weak labeling
functions is a topic of current and ongoing research.
We also need a good workflow to validate the results of the
extractors. Quite often the validation can be done through
crowdsourcing. One can also prioritize the validation of those
extracted relations where the confidence is low. Developing such
active learning loops is another important and current
research challenge.
5. Summary
In this chapter, we considered the problem of creating a knowledge
graph by processing text. We addressed two fundamental problems of
entity extraction and relation extraction. For both of these tasks,
the early work focused on defining manual and syntactic rules for
extraction. More recent popular approaches rely on adapting
pre-trained language models, and customizing them to the specific
corpus at hand.
For both entity and relation extraction, the most prevalent current
approach is to adapt a language models that has been previously
created using deep learning. Existing approaches that are
syntactic or rule-based play an important role in bootstrapping the
training data required for the deep learning models. Validating the
output of extraction remains an ongoing challenge.
The problem of entity linking or entity resolution is an equally
important problem for creating knowledge graphs, but we have chosen to
omit it from the discussion here for two reasons. First, we believe
that the challenge of getting good performance on entity and relation
extraction, by itself, is a significant hurdle. Second, a prerequisite
to a good performance on entity linking is the availability of a good
lexicon. For these reasons, entity resolution is an advanced
technique, and it may or may not be the primary bottleneck in solving
the business problem for which we are creating the knowledge